
Science And Development
Digital Generation and Screen Time

Digital Generation and Screentime: Why is today’s generation less intelligent than their parents?

The Digital Crete Factory is the title of the latest book by the French National Institute of Health and the newest book by French Neuroscientist Michael Desmogg. In this book, he highlights how digital devices adversely affect the mental development of children and young people.
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The ‘Digital Crete Factory’ is titled the latest book by the French National Institute of Health and the newest book by French Neuro Scientist Michael Desmogg, in which he highlights the thing with solid data on how digital devices children are adversely affecting the mental development of the youth.

In an interview with BBC News Mandu, he said, “What we are doing to our children does not justify us; we are risking their future and development.”

Evidence is clear: For some time, IQ (Intelligence Coast) tests have indicated that new generations are less intelligent than previous generations.

Michael Desmorgat has developed many scientific publications and worked in famous research centers, such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the University of California, Los Angeles.

His book has become the most-selling book in France. We are sharing excerpts of your interview with you.

Are young people in the first generations of IQ (intelligence cost) less today than the previous generation?

Michael Desmorgat Yes. IQ is measured through a standard test. However, this is not a script (which may not be changed) and is often reviewed. For example, my parents did not give the test like I did, but some people can pass the old version of the test.

In the meantime, researchers observed that IQ has increased from generation to generation in many areas of the world. An American psychologist has named this trend the ‘Flynn Effect.’ But recently, in many countries, this trend has begun to change.

Indeed, IQ is severely affected by factors such as the healthcare system, school system, nutrition, etc. However, the’ Flynn Act’ decreases if we look at countries where socioeconomic factors have been relatively stable for decades.

This is the tendency to decrease the IQ, including Norway, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, France, etc.

What is the reason for this decline in IQ?

Michael Desargate: Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to determine all the reasons, for example, pollution (especially the effect of insecticide drugs) or screens. We certainly know that even if factors other than screen time are causing IQ, the most significant impact on their IQ will be screen time.

Numerous investigations have shown that IQ and academic development decrease when television or video game use increases.

Language, attention, memory, and other basic infLanguageon our intelligence are all affected, and eventually, the performance of children’s schools will not be the same.

And how does the use of digital devices cause this?

Michael Desomgate: The causes are also clearly identified: mail matching within the family and decreasing time with each other, essential for language training. In addition, dedicated time for other activities (homework, music, art, reading, etc.) and sleep disruption affect attention, learning, and emotions.

Less stimulating intellectual activities that prevent the brain from flourishing. And a living lifestyle that affects the maturity of the brain in addition to body growth.

What damage to the screen’s nervous system?

Michael Desomgot: The brain is not a balanced organ. Its features change based on our experiences. Our environment and the challenges we face all affect the structure of the brain and its functioning.

The time spent in front of the screen for recreational purposes has been witnessed by the delay in the brain language and focus.

It is also important to point out that not all activities help effectively develop the brain.

What does that mean?

Michael Desomgot: School, intellectual activities, studies, music, art, sports activities … They are all more important for brain structure and development than watching the screen.

However, the brain cannot always do the same thing; its abilities are affected over time. The brain can be compared to soil. First, it is easier to be moist and trimmed, but over time, it becomes dry, making it very difficult to put it into something or make a shape. The problem with screens is that they change and weaken our children’s brain development.

Are all kinds of screens equally harmful?

Michael Desomgate: We are not saying there is an evil in the ‘Digital Revolution’ that must be stopped. I spend most of my time using digital tools. When my daughter started school, I began teaching her how to use some office software and find information online.

Should students learn basic computer skills and tools? They must know exactly. Can digital technology be helpful for teachers? If it is part of a systematic educational project and using a particular software effectively promotes knowledge, it can be beneficial.

However, when the screen is placed in the hands of a child or a teenager, the most disturbing use of the most problematic recreation is almost always prevalent. The first television (films, series, clips, etc.) comes from entertainment references, then video games (mostly action and violent), and finally, popular social media among young people.

How much time do children and young people spend in front of the screens?

Michael Desargate: On average, 2-year-old children spend about three hours daily, 8-year-olds for about five hours, and teenagers for seven hours.

This means that before age 18, our children would have spent 30 years in school in front of screens, or a full-time working person would have worked in 16 years. It is wild and irresponsible.

How much time should children spend in front of the screen?

Michael Desargate: It is important to include children in this discussion. They must be told that the screens harm the brain, damage sleep, enter language development, weaken academic performance, affect attention, increase the risk of obesity, etc.

Some investigations suggest that it is easy for children and adolescents to follow the rules about the screen when they are talked about openly. From there, the general idea is simple: at least the screen time at any age is excellent.

In addition to this common principle, specific instructions can be provided regarding child age: Before the age of six, the ideal is not to have screens (which does not mean that you do not see cartoons with your children from time to time.).

The sooner you bring them to the screens, the more adverse effects and the risk of excessive use later.

From age six, if screen time is calculated and the children’s sleep is not compromised, the baby can screen for half an hour.

Other related rules: There should be no screen before going to school, before going to bed at night, or when you are with other people, and above all, there should be no screen in the bedroom.

However, it is difficult to tell children that screens are problematic when parents are constantly linked to smartphones or gaming consoles.

Why are many parents unaware of screen risks?

Michael Desomgate: Because the information provided to parents is discriminatory. The mainstream media is full of baseless claims, false propaganda, and false information. The difference between media content and scientific reality is often disturbing. I do not mean that the media is unfaithful; I am just saying that separating wheat from straw is difficult, even for honest and conscious journalists.

But this is not surprising. The digital industry produces billions of dollars of profit every year, and obviously, children and teenagers are very profitable sources. It is easy for a few satisfied scientists to find advertising campaigns for billions of dollars worth of companies.

Recently, a psychologist (considered a video game expert) explained in various media that these games have positive effects, so they should not be discredited or played for children’s future. However, they can also be harmful. He also said that the most violent games could have therapy actions and enable players to cool down their anger.

The problem is that none of the journalists interviewing this ‘expert’ have mentioned that they work for the same industry video game Expert. And this is just one of the many examples cited in my book.

This is nothing new: the same has happened with tobacco, global warming, insecticide medicines, sugar, etc.

But I think there is room for hope. Over time, denying the truth becomes complex and challenging.

Is the graph of human intelligence coming down slowly?
‘Air pollution reduces people’s intelligence.’
Smartphone addiction in children: ‘education, health is affected as well as mental stress.

Some investigations say that video games help get better educational results.

Michael Desomgate: Honestly, it’s funny. This idea is a real example of propaganda. They are based on isolated investigations with false data published in secondary journals.

In an interesting experimental study, the game consoles were given to children who performed well in school. He spent more time playing games and doing homework during the four months. In the meantime, his grade decreased by about five percent (which is very high in just four months).

In another study, children had to learn a list of words. An hour later, some of them could play the racing game. Two hours later, they went to sleep. The following day, the children who did not play the game remembered about 80 % of the lesson, while the rest were just 50 %.

This shows that games interfere with sleep and memory.

How do you think members of this digital generation will be when they are adults?

Michael Desargate: I often hear that people of today’s digital period think differently. The idea is that although they lack linguistic, attention, and knowledge, they are very good at ‘other things.’ What is meant by other things now is a problem.

Numerous investigations suggest that this breed is not so sharp at using a computer, contrary to the general idea. A European Union report explains that children’s lack of digital capabilities is a significant obstacle to adopting educational technology in schools.

Other investigations also show that digital generation is not too fast in processing and understanding the large amount of information available on the Internet.

So what’s the rest? They quickly use essential digital apps, buy online products, and download music and movies.

These children are similar to those mentioned by Aldous Huxley in his famous novel ‘Breu New World’: Stupid entertainment, losing language, being unable to consider the world, and being happy with their fate. –

Are some countries starting legislation on the use of screens?

Michael Desomgate: Yes, especially in Asia. For example, Taiwan has described the excessive use of the screen as a form of child abuse and has passed a law under which heavy fines for parents who show any digital app to children under 24 months. Are imposed.

In China, authorities have taken drastic steps to manage minor video games: children and adolescents are no longer allowed to play at night (between 8 am and 8 pm) or 90 daily during the week. More than minutes (180 minutes on weekends and school holidays) are not allowed.

Do you think the presence of children protects children from the screen?

Michael Desargate: I wouldn’t say I like restrictions, and I don’t want anyone to tell me how my daughter should be raised. However, it has become clear that parents can choose freely for their children only if the information is honest and detailed.

I think a clear instructional informational campaign on the effects of screen use will be a good start. There is no screen for children up to six years of age, and there should be more than 30-60 minutes of screen time daily.

What can we expect if this digital revolution continues like this?

Michael Desomgot: Increasing social inequality is dividing ‘digital’ children from the progressive children of our society, such as the ‘Alpha’ of the book of Huxley, i.e., those who think about the world through culture and languagLanguagewill get the skills and all the essential tools to meditate. On the other hand, most children with limited academic and cultural tools cannot understand the world and act as civilized citizens.

Alfaz will go to expensive private schools with ‘real’ teachers. Gamma will go to Virtual Public Schools with limited humanitarian assistance. They will be taught fake languagLanguageshed in 1984) (George) and Wheel’s ‘New Spac,’ and they will learn basic skills such as medium or lower technicians. According to economic estimates, such people will be mostly doing jobs).

It will be a sad world in which the Nile Postman has said that he will enjoy his death. A world in which, through constant access to entertainment, they will learn to love their slavery. Sorry, I am not optimistic.

Maybe (and I hope) I’m wrong … But ‘what we are doing to our children does not justify us; we are risking their future and development.’

Is the graph of human intelligence coming down slowly?
‘Air pollution reduces people’s intelligence.’
Smartphone addiction in children: ‘Education, health is affected as well as mental stress’
Children playing with the touch screen decreases sleep.



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