
Science And Development

Science And Technology

Science and technology, as interconnected fields, represent the forefront of human innovation and progress. Science, driven by curiosity and inquiry, seeks to understand the fundamental principles governing the natural world.


Mind blowing facts related to technology

Technology has advanced at an astonishing rate, transforming our lives in ways that were once the realm of science fiction. Here are some mind-blowing facts that highlight the incredible capabilities and achievements of modern technology: 1. The Internet’s Explosive Growth The internet has grown exponentially since its inception. In 1993, there were only about 130 […]

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Blockchain Technology

Blockchain Technology: Revolutionizing Finance and Beyond

Blockchain technology, often hailed as a revolutionary innovation, is a decentralized, distributed ledger system that ensures the secure, transparent, and tamper-proof recording of transactions. Originally devised for Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency, blockchain technology has since transcended its initial purpose and found applications across various industries. To understand its significance and versatility, it is crucial to

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Satellite Internet

Pak Set MM One: Millions of rupees satellite internet will be a ‘game changer’ for the common man in Pakistan?

Sparko officials call Pak seat MM1 a ‘game changer’ for Pakistan. How will this satellite change the Internet world in Pakistan, and will the commoner have access to it? Today, Pakistan’s Space Agency Sparco (Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission) launched the country’s latest communication satellite, ‘MM1’ (PAKSAT MM1). China’s Shi Chang Satellite Launch Center

Pak Set MM One: Millions of rupees satellite internet will be a ‘game changer’ for the common man in Pakistan? Read More »

Chagai after nuclear explosions

From the hijacking of the PIA plane to the slogans of ‘Allahu Akbar’, how did Pakistan detonate nuclear weapons?

On May 28, 1998, Mohammad Arshad, a young officer who designed the triggering mechanism, was selected to press the button for the nuclear explosion, initiating the process by saying ‘Allahu Akbar’ and at 3:16 p.m. the same day, At the same time, five underground explosions rocked Ras Koh. After the nuclear blasts, the upper part

From the hijacking of the PIA plane to the slogans of ‘Allahu Akbar’, how did Pakistan detonate nuclear weapons? Read More »

A 'floating' highway on the sea

The ‘floating’ highway on the sea is said to be a unique engineering marvel

With the start of summer in the U.S. and many Americans taking to the streets, we’re sharing our favorite travel stories about an engineering marvel spanning 113 miles of ocean that changed Florida forever. Seagulls screeched overhead as I cruised through the miles of strait between the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. Apparently,

The ‘floating’ highway on the sea is said to be a unique engineering marvel Read More »

Pyramids of Egypt

Egypt’s Pyramids: Have scientists solved the main puzzle connected with the wonders of the ancient world?

Scientists believe that they have found the answer to one of the most complex mysteries of the construction of the pyramids in Egypt – how the 31 tallest buildings, including the pyramids of Giza, were built four thousand years ago. Scientists believe that they have found the answer to one of the most complex mysteries

Egypt’s Pyramids: Have scientists solved the main puzzle connected with the wonders of the ancient world? Read More »

China's space mission

How will China’s space mission investigate the origin of the solar system and the possibility of life on Mars?

China’s space mission, Cheng-6, aims to collect lunar samples and bring them back. But more than that, it is a reflection of China’s ambitions in space exploration. China’s space mission China’s space mission, Cheng-6, aims to collect lunar samples and bring them back. But more than that, it is a reflection of China’s ambitions in

How will China’s space mission investigate the origin of the solar system and the possibility of life on Mars? Read More »

Data Science

Data Science Demystified Unveiling Insights and Innovations

Data science, at its core, is the interdisciplinary field that extracts knowledge and insights from structured and unstructured data through scientific methods, algorithms, and systems. It amalgamates various disciplines such as statistics, machine learning, and computer science to uncover patterns, trends, and correlations that aid in informed decision-making. In today’s data-driven world, the importance of

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