
Science And Development
Eid Ul Adha

Earlier, the animals were slaughtered by fathers and brothers together, but now Some of the splendors of Eid of the past which are rarely seen today.

Where Eid brings a message of happiness, it also gives a person the opportunity to express gratitude to the Lord of the Universe. On the day of Eid, there is a celebration of hundreds of happiness, the noise of small children, the smell of dishes made by hand, and the streets and neighborhoods. The organization of fairs in fairs adds to the splendor of the day – but with time, the colors of Eid are changing in the country, and a lot has changed in past and present Eids. Let us examine some of the things with which our countless memories of the past are connected.

Many days ago, they used to bring animals.


Eid Ul Adha Animal

In the past, on the occasion of Eid-ul-Adha, people used to buy animals several weeks in advance and would stay awake all night, not only guarding them but also not leaving any shortage in their service. Even though most families still exist like this, a large number of people in today’s era, due to lack of time, rains, and fear of diseases, are close to Eid, while most people buy animals even on the day of Eid. They bring those whose purpose is only to fulfill the duty of sacrifice.

They used to slaughter with their hand.s

In the past, animals were sacrificed by fathers, brothers, nephews, and nephews, i.e., men of the house themselves, but today, the practice of butchering has become common,n and everyone is seen sitting for hours waiting for butchering. The men of the house hesitate to slaughter the animals themselves, but earlier, father, son, and brother-nephew used to perform the sacrifice together, which made the true meaning of the sacrifice clear. Still, today this tradition is also rarely seen.

Going with everyone to buy animals

In the past Eids, buying animals was also an interesting activity; all the brothers, children, and often the women of the house used to go together to buy the animals. It has become a norm,m and this year, the tendency of people to participate in collective sacrifices is being seen more.

The meat was made by asking women. n

Cooking food for women on the occasion of Eid Qurbani is also a delicious stage; as soon as the sacrificial animal is slaughtered, the clamor of making kelji starts, while for making various dishes, meat is specially asked for by women, but now collective sacrifice is done. Due to this trend is also decreasing.

Celebrating the Rothas

Celebrating Rothas on Eid was considered a special tradition, and whoever took the initiative was given the most respect – but today at home, even if our siblings or parents are angry with us, we don’t care, and if we celebrate someone Distant, do not even like to talk. At the same time, the practice of sharing the joys of Eid with friends has also decreased.



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