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The true philosophy of sacrifice

The true philosophy of sacrifice

Beloved God, Sartaj al-Anbiya sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, says that we, the group of prophets, are subjected to the difficulties of the test based on our respective ranks. Hazrat Ibrahim, the creator of the earth and the sky, was a prophet of great power. It was very tight. He was born into an idolatrous family, but from the beginning, Hazrat Ibrahim was blessed by the Lord of the Universe with the blessing of growth and wisdom. He gave the first invitation to his father, who was firmly rejected by his father and kicked him out of the house. He gave the second invitation to his people. Did you invite monotheism? The king’s mood was upset. The punishment for insolence was that you should be thrown into a big fire.

He circumcised himself at the age of God’s order and spent all his wealth and wealth in hospitality and in the way of God. Disappointed with his people, he left his beloved country and settled in Palestine, then, in his old age, at the age of 86. Allah gave him a son who was named Hazrat Ismail. Now, another severe test was waiting for him. At the command of Allah, he left Hazrat Ismail and his wife in the deserts of Faran Kharan. Now, there was preparation for another big test. Hazrat Ibrahim had this dream for three consecutive nights that Allah says that our way is to sacrifice his most beloved object, his son. Hazrat Ibrahim knew very well that his most cherished thing, the only child of his old age, was his son, Ismail because the dream of the prophets is a divine revelation and a divine command, which can never be wrong or false, so Hazrat Ibrahim, as always, accepted and Raza’s figure became a figure. Earlier, caste was always his own, but this time, the other part of the trial was his son, who was ordered to be sacrificed, so he thought it better to tell his son everything, and then he narrated his dream to his son so that he will also be satisfied.

Hazrat Ibrahim said to his son, “My dear son, I see myself slaughtering you in my dream. Now tell me what your opinion is and will be.” The commanding son submitted to God and said that if this is the will of God, then God willing, you will find me patient and commanding after this conversation to sacrifice the son and the father to sacrifice the son in the way of Allah. They left for the forest. The father sharpened the knife as per the will of the son. The son was tied with his hands and feet like a slaughtered animal, and then Hazrat Ibrahim planned to kill him with a donkey so that he could not see the face of his beloved son at the time of slaughter. It is also said that he laid the son on his side like a common animal, and his forehead touched the ground on one side. Even in the biggest test of life, they became red-faced, but nothing was cut by running a knife; then a voice came from the creator of the universe: O Ibrahim, indeed you made your dream come true, that is, the test that we wanted to test you. Completed, Hazrat Ibrahim was steadfast and victorious in every test of Allah Almighty.

Allah Ta’ala said, “Surely, this was an open test,” and said: “We sacrificed a great slaughter for it.” Now leave the boy and slaughter this ram standing near you in exchange for your beloved son. Therefore, Hazrat Ibrahim obeyed God’s command and slaughtered this ram. Lord Zuljalal liked Hazrat Ismail’s obedience and this wondrous sacrifice and worship of Hazrat Ibrahim so much that it was declared as the slogan of Ibrahim’s nation forever as a memorial. Even today, on the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah, this sacrifice and motto are celebrated in the same way throughout the Islamic world. Qurbani, Qurban, Qorbaat, and Qorb are all synonyms that mean to try to be close to someone, to please someone, and to want someone’s attention. As close as possible, since the day that human beings settled on the planet, the same concept of sacrifice has also been found. As the Qur’an mentions the sacrifice of Adam’s two sons, Abel and Cain, the philosophy of sacrifice is to attain the pleasure of Allah and attain holiness. The Almighty has said that the flesh and blood of sacrificed animals do not reach the presence of Allah. Still, your righteousness does, that is, to make sacrifices in the way of Allah out of your halal wealth as an expression of gratitude for the favors of Allah. , the virtue of sacrifice is excellent. Imam Tirmidhi narrates a tradition on the authority of Amaji Ayesha that the emperor of the two scholars, beloved of God Shafi Mahshar Saqi Kutsar, said that on the day of sacrifice, no action of a human being is more cherished in the presence of Allah than shedding blood (sacrificing) the sacrificial animal on the Day of Resurrection.

On the day of good deeds, your blood, including your horns, hair, hooves, and veins, and the blood of the sacrificial animal, before it falls on the ground, is accepted in the presence of Allah. The natural philosophy of sacrifice is to achieve purity and try to please the beloved. And if we do big animals to show off our wealth to society to intimidate people, then we will be deprived of the reward of daily sacrifice. The philosophy of sacrifice is also to do everything for the pleasure of God Almighty, to sacrifice one’s most precious things to Him before a moment. It is to be thankful and not for worldly glory to be able to intimidate people with their wealth.

Philosophy of Sacrifice


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