
Science And Development
Pyramids of Egypt

Egypt’s Pyramids: Have scientists solved the main puzzle connected with the wonders of the ancient world?

Scientists believe that they have found the answer to one of the most complex mysteries of the construction of the pyramids in Egypt – how the 31 tallest buildings, including the pyramids of Giza, were built four thousand years ago.

Scientists believe that they have found the answer to one of the most complex mysteries of the construction of the pyramids in Egypt – how the 31 tallest buildings, including the pyramids of Giza, were built four thousand years ago.

A research team from the University of North Carolina, Wilmington, USA, has discovered that the Egyptian pyramids were probably built along an ancient branch of the Nile River that is now hidden under sand and agricultural land.

For many years, archaeologists believed that the ancient Egyptians must have transported the massive stones used in the construction of the pyramids to this site through a nearby water channel.

“Until now, no one knew anything with certainty about the location, shape, size, and proximity of this possible water passage to the pyramids,” says Professor Iman Ghunim, one of the authors of the recent study.

To answer this question, a group of researchers examined the stones using radar satellite images, historical maps, and geographical survey reports. Archaeologists use a technique called ‘sediment coring’ to gather evidence from samples.

The research aimed to trace a branch of the Nile that, according to the researchers, had disappeared thousands of years ago after being buried in sandstorms after a famine.

According to a research report published in the journal Nature, the team of researchers used radar technology to go deep into the surface of the sand and obtain images of the hidden places.

Professor Iman says these images revealed that the site where most of the pyramids are located has rivers buried beneath the surface and ancient structures.

Dr Suzanne Oinstein, who took part in the same research, told the BBC: ‘Finding a branch of the river and getting data to show that there was a watercourse that used weighted stone blocks. Including materials, labor, and anything else that could have been brought in, it was beneficial for us to understand how the pyramids would have been built.’

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The team found that this branch of the Nile, called the Pyramids, was about 64 kilometers long and 200 to 700 meters wide. It passed 31 pyramids built between 4700 and 3700 years ago.

The discovery of this buried river explains why there are so many pyramids at this particular location in what is now a part of the Sahara desert, where there are not many signs of life left.

It is mentioned in the research paper that this branch of the river used to flow during the construction of the pyramids of Egypt.

According to Dr. Einstein, “Instead of burdening the laborers, the ancient Egyptians could use the energy of the river to bring much heavier stones with less labor.”

It should be noted that the Nile River was considered the source of life in ancient Egypt, and it is still used today.

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Science And Technology

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