
Science And Development
Satellite Internet

Pak Set MM One: Millions of rupees satellite internet will be a ‘game changer’ for the common man in Pakistan?

Sparko officials call Pak seat MM1 a ‘game changer’ for Pakistan. How will this satellite change the Internet world in Pakistan, and will the commoner have access to it?
Today, Pakistan’s Space Agency Sparco (Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission) launched the country’s latest communication satellite, ‘MM1’ (PAKSAT MM1).

China’s Shi Chang Satellite Launch Center launched a five-tonne satellite and the latest communication equipment into space.

According to Sparco, satellites will facilitate the fastest internet access in Pakistan. It will be inserted into space at 36000 km from the ground.

Sparco says the satellite will begin providing services from the end of July or early August this year and will ensure the Internet is supInternet remote areas of the Internet.

It is remembered that in May, Pakistan sent its first satellite, ‘I Cube Qamar,’ to the moon’s orbit with the help of China’s space rocket Chenge Six, becoming the sixth country to send a satellite to Pakistan.

Sparko officials call Pak seat MM1 a ‘game changer’ for Pakistan. How will this satellite change the Internet world in Pakistan, and will the commoner have access to it?

Before discussing it, we try to determine this satellite’s features and how it will work.

What are the features of ‘MM One’?

Dr Amitan ul Haq Qazi, the director of Sparco, said that ‘MM1’ is a communications planet.

He explained, ‘Communication planets are launched into stationary orbits. The stationary orbits are around the ground at a height of 36,000 kilometres. ‘

He said that such a satellite weighs three to five tonnes and that communication services, covering 30 to 35 per cent of the land, work from one place to another.

According to Dr Amitan ul Haq, ‘MM One will work not only in Pakistan but also in neighbouring countries, the whole of Asia, and some European and African countries.

But will it be satellite?

In response to this question, Dr Amitan-ul-Haq said, “This satellite has equipment installed in remote areas of Pakistan and the above countries mentioned above, where ground internet is not available, it will be able to provide its services there.” ‘

“This satellite eliminates your dependence on the Internet or reduces your dependence, and communication services will improve,” he said.

“The satellite will be able to connect within high-frequency bands, which means it will greatly help speed up the Internet.”

Dr Amitan-ul-Haq Qazi claims that the Internet provider companies that provide services to consumers through the Internet will improve the Internet significantly.

InterInternetnetady is available in Pakistan.
How will the Internet availableInternetelliteInterneterent from the already available Internet services in Pakistan?

Before we know the answer to this question, let’s examine how Internet facilities are generally provided in Pakistan.

Two types of Internet are available: It lays the optical fibre cable underground and provides the connection. A typical example is public and private companies like PTCL (Pakistan Telecommunication) or Nayatel. These companies have their centres (hubs), where they take the Internet under Internet law and share it with their customers.

Mobile Network: Various mobile companies provide Internet convenience to their customers through ‘data service’. Mobile phone companies have tower space; consumers receive wireless internet service through these tower signals.

When and how did the Internet change Internet PakInternetair as fine glass tubes with which your Internet runs?

What is Satellite Internet?

A third type is satellite Internet, which is not more common in Pakistan but can also be supplied through telecom companies in other countries. Under this, many companies from different countries have launched their satellite, especially providing data services.

Satellite Internet also has two types of Internet services:

VSAT (VSAT): It provides a service with a dish antenna on a roof or ground. The V-Service gives Internet access in locations such as the Internet.

Mobile Internet Service: The Internet is provided through small portable devices (from one place to another) (such as handset, mobile or laptop-shaped devices). You can take these devices, open them up, and use the Internet anywheInternethInternetInternetroviding satellite internet in Pakistan?

In this regard, we spoke to Tahir Mahmood, the general manager of Thauraya, a UAE company in Pakistan.

Tahir Mehmood made it clear that no Pakistani company provides satellite in the country through satellite. Still, the companies that offer satellite internet in Pakistan are from other countries.

He said satellite internet supply to Pakistan is mainly through the United Arab Emirates Telecommunications Company (Yahsat), which closed four to five years ago (mobile and internet service provider). He was also purchased.

“Or the satellite coverage also comes to Pakistan. If their mobile phone or Internet device brings Pakistan from abroad, they can be used because their network is available here.”

However, he said that after Sparko’s satellite is launched, various companies in Pakistan will also be able to provide satellite internet.

How will a satellite internet be different?

When the Internet service in Pakistan is disconnected, you often hear that the underground cable has been damaged, leaving the Internet. The usual Internet is an, and Internet users also lose mobile data.

So, the solution is to use satellites on the Internet.

FayezInternetBI, internet project manager in Sparco, termed ‘MM One’ a ‘game changer’ and said that it could provide high-speed Internet throughout the country and that communications between public and private companies will also benefit from it.

“We will also provide Internet access to InternetiInternetistan, Kashmir, an area where the ground Internet does not reach. People will be able to get Internet access.”

On the other hand, Ternethirhir Mahmood, general manager of Thauraya, compared the standard Internet and satellite Internet and said: ‘You can’t compete with the Mercedes car with the plane. Mercedes is a perfect car, but they fly like a plane. You can’t. ‘

He said that the Internet from tInternetlInternetInternetted.

If the cable is cut in the sea or the mobile service is stopped, it affects the Internet supply, while Internetellite has minimal such problems.

OpticInternet cable is laid underground and provided by an Internet connection.
Will the satellite internet be within the reach of the commoner?
According to Dr Amitan-ul-Haq, six to seven weeks are spent testing after the satellite’s launch. Different tests were performed during this period, and there were no problems during the launch.

He said the satellite will begin providing commercial services by the end of July or early August this year.

Regarding the cost of satellite internet, Tahir Mahmood said it was much higher than the standard Internet (cableInternetiInternetInternetf you want Internet, nowadays it costs 4 lakh. This price involves installing a dish antenna to all services from the internet supply. As you take a monthly package for the standard Internet, the mInternetmount of Internet usage for the Internet Weat is Rs 5,000, and by combining other charges, your monthly bill reaches Rs 10,000. Apart from this, there is a monthly package of Rs. 1.5 lakh, but it depends on what package you want to take. ‘

Tahir Mahmood said buying mobile devices for satellite internet costs Rs 10 to Rs 11 lakh.

“A laptop size device will get you in so much money while its monthly package will be priced.”

Talking about the satellite Internet market in Pakistan, Tahir Mehmood said that only a few areas of the corporate sector could access the Internet via the Internet.

The Internet requires the Internet and the Internet and gas sectors. In addition, our armed forces and agencies also need satellite internet.

He said, “The same institutions can benefit from this Sparko project because they need it and can use the Internet.” The budgets of the commoner and a company are different, and companies can also increase their budgets for satellite internet.

He said, “Our society makes good thinking about the price of anything. Now, it is essential to see what it costs Sparco to sell its satellite to the Internet compared to existing satellite Internet. ‘

According to Tahir Mahmood, the quality of the satellite Internet service will also play an important role.

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Satellite Internet

Science And Technology

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